(3) Do not give the recommended altitudes below the MDA to the
EXAMPLE: If the MDA is 680 feet MSL, do not give recommended altitudes
below 680 feet MSL. In Figure 2, give only the underlined altitudes.
NOTE: If the aviator does not see the runway environment at the MDA (680
feet MSL), he is expected to make a missed approach. He would not give
the 600-foot altitude for 1 mile.
Figure 2.
Example of recommended altitudes
q. Approach Guidance Termination
(1) Discontinue surveillance approach guidance when the aviator
requests it, aircraft is over the map, or continuing a safe approach to
the MAP is questionable.
(2) You may end surveillance approach guidance when the aviator
reports seeing the runway, approach lights, or runway lights; or, if
conducting a point-in-space approach, he reports that he can proceed to
the landing area by visual reference to a prescribed surface route (not
applicable to US Air Force aircraft).