Lesson Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) and Radar ProceduresController ProceduresRequired InformationRequired Information - Cont'dFigure 1. Missed-approachWheels-Down CheckDescent InstructionsRecommended AltitudesFigure 2. Example of recommended altitudesApproach Guidance TerminationFinal Approach AbnormalitiesFigure 3. Final approach abnormalitiesPretestPretest SolutionsProgrammed TextProgrammed Text - Cont'd - AV0906A0021Programmed Text - Cont'd - AV0906A0022Answer 1 RadarAnswer 79 Advises, Location, RelationAnswer 2 Ground-controlled ApproachAnswer 80 Cockpit ActivitiesANSWER 3 ASRAnswer 81 Army seven six five. RogerAnswer 4 Radar SurveillanceAnswer 82 No response required.Answer 5 Ground-controlled Approach, Airport Surveillance RadarAnswer 83 Reminder or an AdvisoryAnswer 6 Azimuth (or direction), RangeAnswer 84 at aviator's discretionAnswer 7 The normal operating range of ASR equipment is 40 NMAnswer 85 No response required.Answer 8 Range, Azimuth, 40Answer 34 Position Report or Estimated PositionAnswer 9 AltitudeAnswer 35 Turn (maneuver)Answer 10 Aviator, AltitudeAnswer 88 recheck wheels and make final cockpit changes and adjustmentsAnswer 63 No response required.Answer 89 No response required.Answer 12Answer 38 The Controller Identifies the Aircraft on RadarAnswer 13 DeparturesAnswer 91 MDAAnswer 14 VectoringAnswer 92 MDA, Weather Minimums, type of AircraftAmswer 15 Lateral, HorizontalAnswer 41 Final Approach legAnswer 16 3, 40, 5Answer 42 Compulsory Reporting Point, AltitudeANSWER 17Answer 43 Radar Identification; Execute turns on Receipt of Controller's InstructionsAnswer 18 Departure, Vectors, SeparationAnswer 44 Report out of AltitudeAmswer 19 Assistance or HelpAnswer 45 repeat the setting and check and correct the altimeter, if necessaryAnswer 20 Transponder (AN/APX-72)ANSWER 46Answer 21 Weather (Storms, Thunderstorms)Answer 99 Decision, Land, Missed ApproachAnswer 22 Weather, AdvisoryAnswer 100 Continue Visually, LandAnswer 75 Request, IntentionsAnswer 49 1 minute, 15 secondsAnswer 76 CommunicationAnswer 50 Each Mile on final ApproachAnswer 77 Army seven six five.Answer 51 cannot; checking and maintaining the correct altitudes Answer 26 Remarks, RequestAnswer 104 Visual Flight Rules, Tower Frequency, PossibleLesson Practice Exercise - AV0906A0075Lesson Practice Exercise - Cont'd - AV0906A0076Lesson Practice Exercise - Cont'd - AV0906A0077Answer Key and Feedback - AV0906A0078Answer Key and Feedback - Cont'd - AV0906A0079Answer Key and Feedback - Cont'd - AV0906A0080Airport Surveillance Radar