(3) ALNOT. The ALNOT is sent to all stations serving the ALNOT search area. Usually, the
search area extends 50 miles on either side of the aircraft's proposed flight route from its last reported
position to the destination station. The ALNOT prompts an extended communications search for
information and a ramp check of all airports throughout the search area that were not included in the
INREQ but where the aircraft might have landed. The ALNOT remains in effect until the aircraft is
located or the search is suspended by the RCC.
(4) Transfer of responsibility. If the ALNOT results are negative or the aircraft is not found
within 1 hour after transmission of the ALNOT, the RCC is advised. Responsibility for further search
then rests with the RCC. However, the FSS continues to cooperate fully.
(5) Transfer of communication. The facility in communication with an aircraft on a VFR flight
plan shall handle the emergency and coordinate and direct the activities of assisting facilities.
Responsibility for handling the emergency may be transferred to another facility if better service results.
c. Aircraft Overdue on an IFR Flight Plan. An aircraft on an IFR flight plan is considered overdue
when no communication or radar contact can be established and when 30 minutes have passed after its
ETA over a specified or compulsory reporting point or at clearance limit. The ARTCC in whose area
the aircraft is first unreported or overdue shall make this determination and take appropriate action. An
air traffic coordinator should know the follow FAA procedures:
(1) ALNOT. When an aircraft is considered overdue, alert and provide the RCC with
information specified in b(3) above. Also, issue an ALNOT to all centers and Area B circuits. Include
the original or an amended flight plan, as appropriate, and the last known position of the aircraft. At the
recommendation of the RCC or at the discretion of the issuing center, issue the ALNOT to cover the
aircraft's maximum range.
(2) IFR traffic suspension period. Unless radar separation is used, the responsible facility shall
restrict or suspend other IFR traffic for 30 minutes when an aircraft is unreported. After the 30-minute
traffic suspension period has expired, resume normal ATC if pilots of other aircraft concur. The
suspension follows one of the following times as applicable:
(a) The time at which approach clearance was delivered to the pilot.
(b) The time the expected approach clearance was delivered to the pilot.