Time Limitations for Facility Ratings.
Type facility:
Type facility:
Control Tower
Initial rating: 30 training days
Initial rating: 135 training days
(not more than 29 calendar weeks).*
(not more than 2 calendar months).
Same rating held within 18 months:
Same rating held within 18 months:
60 training days (not more than 4
20 training days (not more than 6
calendar months).
calendar weeks).
Same rating not held within 18
Same rating not held within 18
months: 90 training das (not more
months: 30 training days (not more
than 5 calendar months).
than 2 calendar months).
Type facility: With nonradar
* The 6 month experience requirement
approach control
stated in paragraph 4-1c(2), this
Initial rating: 135 training days
regulation, must be met prior to
(not more than 29 calendar weeks).
administering facility rating
Same rating held within 18 months:
examination. However, the rating
90 training days (not more than 4
examination shall be administered
calendar months).
not later than the 145th training
Same rating not held within 18
months: 120 training days (not
more than five calendar months).
Note: All other times are maximum
allowable; thus, indicating there is
no minimum time to rating.
Type facility: GCA
Initial rating: 90 training days
Type facility: FOC
(not more than 5 calendar months).
Initial rating: 40 training days
Same rating held within 18 months:
(not more than 10 calendar weeks).
60 training days (not more than 4
Same rating held within 18 months:
calendar months).
30 training days (not more than 2
Same rating not held within 18
calendar months).
months: 90 training days (not more
Same rating not held within 18
than 4 calendar months).
months: 40 training days (not more
than 10 calendar weeks).
Type facility:
Radar approach
Initial rating: 390 training days
(not more than 18 calendar months).
Same rating held within 18 months:
195 training days (not more than 40
calendar weeks).
Same rating not held within 18
months: 320 training days (not
more than 16 calendar months).
a. A rating shall be acquired within the time limitations
described in the Table. The time will be counted as starting the day
after an individual is formally assigned to the facility for duty.
Before obtaining a rating, a controller may be position-qualified as
soon as training and individual progress permit.
b. Any person, regardless of previous ATC experience in other
than tower who starts training in a fixed control tower for an
initial control tower operator (CTO) rating, must complete the
initial six-month experience requirement of FAR Part 65.