(c) Plotting tables with lighting arrangements.
(d) Suitable plotting and computing instruments.
(e) An accurate clock indicating Greenwich mean time.
(f) A base telephone and land lines for authorized use by aircrews.
(g) Aircraft operator's manuals (TM -10 series) for all types of aircraft normally using the
(h) NOTAM display appropriate to the geographic location and covering area of clearance
responsibility of the airfield.
(i) Wall displays of planning charts and other aeronautical information pertinent to the
airfield and area of operation.
(j) Bulletin board, or similar display method, containing only current authorized pertinent
flight information data and reference material.
(k) Reference files containing maps, forms, publications, and aeronautical charts required by
aircrews. Figure 1-3 shows a more comprehensive list.
d. Weather Section.
(1) This section maintains current weather displays and provides a pilot weather briefing service.
When qualified forecasters are available, they will provide a weather briefing service and complete the
required entries on DD Form 175-1 (Flight Weather Briefing).
(2) When weather briefing services are unavailable at the airfield, telephone communications
will be provided in the preflight briefing areas. These communications are for the aviators' convenience
in contacting the nearest weather service detachment.