c. Aircraft Service Personnel. Aircraft service personnel provide and operate vehicles, as required,
and perform operator maintenance according to technical manuals. They provide housekeeping
services, stand fireguard for all aircraft starting, and function as ground guides for all aircraft. These
personnel will be aware of and watch for OPSEC violations.
Aircraft fire-fighting and rescue services may be provided by the installation engineers, or
personnel and equipment may be assigned under the direct supervision of the airfield operations
division. In either case, these are critical functions that must be closely coordinated with the branches of
the operations division. AR 420-90 establishes basic procedures and responsibilities for conducting
crash and rescue operations at airfields under DA jurisdiction. Primarily, these procedures apply to
Class A airfields having a sustained daily average of 40 or more flight activities (landings and takeoffs).
However, to the extent possible, these services also apply to Class A airfields with less than 40 daily
flight activities and Classes B and C airfields with authorized rescue and fire protection facilities.
a. Responsibility. The installation commander having jurisdiction over an airfield maintains an
effective organization of trained personnel. He must have adequate and reliable equipment to provide
emergency protective services for the types of aircraft and flight activities being operated and conducted
at that airfield. This commander publishes detailed emergency firefighting and rescue procedures that
follow basic policies outlined in AR 420-90. These procedures should be posted at each location where
emergency calls are received.
b. Personnel Organization. Group aircraft mishap emergency teams as explained below.
(1) Group I. Group I consists of personnel required to respond immediately to aircraft
emergencies and mishaps. These personnel include fire-fighting and rescue crews for surface and/or
aircraft crash rescue elements; ambulance and medical personnel; rescue boat crews, if available, for
accidents occurring in or near water; and an airfield safety officer.
(2) Group II. These are Personnel required to perform related supporting services such as
OPSEC incidents. Group II personnel include maintenance and wrecker crews, provost marshal, police,
guards, and photographic personnel.
(3) Group III. Group III personnel include those whose attendance is necessary to perform of
their official duties. These personnel include chaplains; an installation fire marshal; aircraft mishap
investigating personnel; a public relations or an