treated as a new inbound. This procedure is also followed on any aircraft executing a missed approach.
Figure 2-2. Flight Data Strip After Low Approach.
The responsibilities and duties of the arrival controller are the same as those for limited approach
control functions. In addition to those duties and responsibilities, the arrival controller must issue the
required approach information for a surveillance pattern after radar identification or a confirmation of
radar contact (a radar handoff).
a. Approach Information. Issue the following information to an aircraft that will conduct a radar
approach. Current approach information contained in the automatic terminal information service (ATIS)
broadcast may be omitted if the pilot states the appropriate ATIS broadcast code. Except for (3) below,
the listed items may be omitted after the first approach if repeated approaches are made and no change
has occurred.
(1) Altimeter setting.
(2) Ceiling and visibility if ceiling at the airport of intended landing is reported below 1,000 feet
or below the highest circling minimum, whichever is greater, or if visibility is less than 3 miles.
(3) Any known changes classified as special weather observations as soon as the volume of
issued after they are included in the ATIS broadcast and the pilot states the appropriate ATIS code.
(4) Pertinent information on known airport conditions, if they are considered necessary to the
safe operation of the aircraft concerned.