you have the aircraft climb to the highest minimum altitude in your area of jurisdiction before you issue
a heading.
d. Beacon Identification Methods. When using only a Mode 3/A radar beacon to identify a target,
use one of the following:
(1) Request the pilot to activate the identification (IDENT) feature of the transponder and then
observe the identification display.
PHRASEOLOGY: IDENT (if aircraft is on your assigned code.)
(2) Request the pilot to change to a specific code, and then observe the target display change. If
a code change is required according to an altitude change or other operational requirement, use the code
specified therein.
(3) Request the pilot to change the transponder to STANDBY. After you observe sufficient-
scans to assure that a target loss resulted, request the pilot to return the transponder to normal operation
and then observe the reappearance of the target.
PHRASEOLOGY: SQUAWK STANDBY (after target disappears.)
SQUAWK (code).
e. Questionable Identification. Use more than one method of identification when proximity of
targets, duplication of observed action, or any other circumstance causes doubt as to target
identification. If for any reason identification is questionable, take immediate action to reidentify the
aircraft or terminate radar service.
f. Position Information. Inform the pilot of the aircraft's position when radar identification is
established by means of identifying turns or radar beacon procedure. Position information need not be
given when identification is established by position correlation or when a departing aircraft is identified
within 1 mile of the takeoff runway end.