housing and retaining plate; oillubricated fuelcontrol drive
splines, an air diffuser and accessory gearbox with improved oil
scavenge capability; and a 6probe exhaust gas temperature harness
T53L15 a turboprop equivalent of the T53L13, the T53L
15 has been flatrated and is equipped with a torque limiter to
prevent engine torque from exceeding the limitations imposed by the
airframe manufacturer. Other differences include a 6probe, 12point
exhaustgas thermocouple harness, a fuel heater, fuel filter, and
bypass fuel filter. Also, the manual operating feature of the fuel
control has been deleted.
T53L701 the newest turboprop addition to the Lycoming T53
series engines is designated the T53L701. The most dynamic feature
of the T53L701 is a newly developed Lycoming splitpower reduction
gear assembly, using an electric torquemetering system. This split
power reduction gear assembly permits development of the full
mechanical and thermodynamic capabilities of the T53L701 by
allowing operation to 1,451 shp. Very accurate torque measurements
on the T53L701 are provided by an electric torquemeter system.
Specifications for the T53L13 and 701 engines used in Army
aircraft are summarized in the following chart.