Engine oil filters. The oil filter
system consists of a main oil filter assembly and
five secondary oil filters. Three of these filters
are accessible for intermediate level maintenance.
These are the No. 2 bearing strainer, located at
the 3 o'clock position on the forward face of the
diffuser housing assembly, and the No. 4 and 5
bearing strainers located in the supply tube within
The main oil filter
assembly, illustrated in figure 5.20, is mounted on
the bottom of the accessory gearbox directly in
front of the main oil pump, or fuel boost pump.
The Lycoming Electric Torquemeter
used on the T55 engine is the same type that is
used on the T53-L-701 covered in the previous
chapter. To save describing the system in detail
again, this paragraph is a brief review. When
torque is imposed on the engine power output
shaft, tension and compression stresses change the
magnetic reluctance is transmitted to an indicator
in the cockpit and read as percent (%) of torque.
Figure 5.20. Main Oil Filter.
The engine electrical system includes circuitry to facilitate starting, ignition, anti-icing, and all
engine-oriented electrical monitoring devices. The following subparagraphs discuss the operation of the
engine electrical system.
Main electrical cable assembly. The main electrical cable assembly furnishes all
necessary interconnecting wiring between the main disconnect plug and the nine-branch electrical
connectors. The nine electrical accessories served by this cable are the gas producer tachometer
generator, oil temperature bulb, fuel flow pressure switch, torquemeter system, ignition exciter,