degrees, minutes, seconds, equator, degrees, minutes, seconds, prime meridian
You learned in the previous frame that coordinates are usually expressed in degrees, minutes,
and seconds; however, on aeronautical charts, only coordinates of degrees and minutes are numbered.
On the diagram above, locate the arrow numbered 1. It is pointing to the 30-degree latitudinal
line that runs east and west (right to left) and the 80-degree longitudinal line that runs north and south
(up and down). This is the starting point. Count up from that point along the 80-degree longitudinal
line to the 20-minute mark. (Each tick mark equals one minute.) The 20-minute mark is located at
Arrow 2. Count left along the 30-degree latitudinal line to the 20-minute mark. Arrow 3 is pointing to
20 minutes. A horizontal line has been drawn across the square from that point at 3020' N latitude
(Arrow 2). A vertical line has been drawn across the square from the point at 8020' W longitude
(Arrow 3). The intersection of the two lines (Arrow 4) is the location of latitude 3020' N and longitude
8020' W.