REQUIREMENT: Refer to Figure 1-2 when completing items 10 through 13.
Figure 1-2. Longitudinal Separation.
10. N39H, C310/T, TAS 165, filed OKC V4 TUL, requests takeoff
clearance at 13:05 Coordination Universal Time (UTC). N1347P,
BE90/A, TAS 210, filed via the same routing, and departed at
13:02 UTC. Minimum usable longitudinal separation between these
two aircraft is ___________________ .
11 . Aircraft A, a B707/A, TAS 455, has departed OKC en route V6
HOT. Aircraft B, a C500/A, TAS 430, same routing, is ready for
departure. Both aircraft are using DME. The minimum usable
longitudinal separation between Aircraft A and Aircraft B is
__________ .
12. AAL2 and UAL54 are en route ATL to DFW. Both aircraft are
using DME. AAL2 has requested descent to 50. When AAL2 passes
through the altitude of UAL54, the minimum usable longitudinal
separation between these aircraft is __________ .
13. Aircraft B is using DME. Aircraft A is not DME equipped.
Aircraft B is deriving distance information from the same NAVAID
that Aircraft A has reported passing; Aircraft A is within 10
minutes of the NAVAID. Minimum usable separation between these
aircraft is ___________ .