Convergent area -- place where the cross-sectional area of a duct becomes smaller.
Convergent exhaust duct -- used on fixed-wing aircraft, formed by tapering toward the rear of the duct.
Convex -- suction side of an airfoil.
Crossover tube -- duct carrying flame to the individual cylindrical liners of the can-annular combustion
Diffuser -- aft structural member of an engine. It receives high velocity air from the centrifugal impeller
and decreases velocity and increases air pressure. In the combustor, a diffuser forms a divergent
flow path for the exhaust gases.
Diffusion -- process by which gases intermingle as the result of their spontaneous movement caused by
Directional references -- specific definitions of terms referring to gas turbine engines to identify front
and rear, right and left, bottom and top.
Divergent area -- place where air flows from a smaller into a larger area.
Divergent exhaust duct -- used on helicopters, device to diffuse the exhaust gases rearward and to
eliminate thrust.
Dry-cleaning solvent -- cleaning compound that may be used for all metal parts.
Dry-sump engine -- one in which the oil is stored separate from the engine.
Dual compressor -- see centrifugal-flow, axial-flow compressor.
Duplex nozzle -- dual-orifice channel through which highly atomized and accurately shaped sprays of
Engine airflow path -- route of the airflow through the engine. See paragraph 4. 4a for a detailed
description of airflow through a T53-L-13.